Acceptable Use Policy

Updated 6/21/2022


This web site availability Service Level Agreement (SLA) applies to you if YouGetHost is providing Service to you and your account is in good standing. YouGetHost understands that placing your mission critical hosting environment in someone else’s hands takes a leap of faith; your hosting is mission critical and we’ll treat it as such. This SLA is our contractual obligation to you to show that we deliver on our promises and commitments. This SLA provides a money back guarantee should we not meet our obligations set out in this SLA.


The target up-time for primary services is 99.9% each month.


In the event that there is no Web Site Availability, YouGetHost will credit your account with the monthly Fee for the Service as calculated below and as measured 24 hours a day in a calendar month. The maximum credit will not exceed the monthly Fee for the month during which YouGetHost does not meet the Uptime Guarantee.

  1. 100%-99.999% will result in a credit of: 0%
  2. 99.998% to 98% will result in a credit of: 5%
  3. 95% to 98% will result in a credit of: 10%
  4. 90% to 94.9% will result in a credit of: 25%
  5. 89% or below will result in a credit of: 100%

In order for you to receive a credit, you must request the credit within seven business days after you experienced downtime. Downtime means: your web site is not responding to http requests, or unavailable via the http protocol. You request credit by sending a request to our billing department through our helpdesk or email ( The message must originate from the primary email we have in our records for you, and contain your domain name, the dates and times of the unavailability of your web site, and any other customer identification requested by YouGetHost. Credits will typically be applied to your account within 45 days of your credit request. This credit is your sole and exclusive remedy for our failure to meet the Web Site Availability SLA. The statistics generated by our internal monitoring services are the final determination of the uptime of our service, and not any one client’s experience.


Credits will not be provided to you in the event that you have no Web Site Availability because of: (i) scheduled maintenance, (ii) your behavior or the performance or failure of your equipment, programs or applications, or (iii) circumstances beyond YouGetHost’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, embargo, fire, flood, strike or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, DDoS attacks (distributed denial-of-service), unavailability of interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services (including DNS propagation), failure of third party software or hardware or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies, or power used in or equipment needed for the Services.Service interruptions that are caused by the misconfiguration or mismanagement of the customer (e.g. an incorrect network configuration on the device) are not eligible.Billing related service interruptions are not eligible unless they are a result of human error by a representative of YouGetHost. Services experiencing billing related downtime as a result of the action or inaction of an automated system (such as a PayPal subscription) are not eligible for SLA credits.

Hardware Replacement (Dedicated Servers Only)

YouGetHost uses top of the line hardware and components and will replace any failed component at no cost to the customer. Hardware repair/replacement will begin immediately upon identification of the hardware failure. Hardware is defined as the Processor(s), RAM, hard disk(s), motherboard, NIC card, and other related hardware included under the server lease. The time required to repair/replace hardware does not include software re installation and/or data recovery from backup tapes/disks (time frame depends on size of disk). The maximum credit shall not exceed 25% of the monthly service charge.

YouGetHost will offer hardware replacement service credits to customers in accordance with the following schedule:

  • Timeframe from Notification of Hardware Failure / Credit
  • Within 4 Hours / Guaranteed
  • Within 4 Hours 1 Minute – 6 Hours / 5%
  • Within 6 Hours 1 Minute – 8 Hours / 10%
  • Within 8 Hours 1 Minute – 12 Hours / 15%
  • Greater than 12 Hours 1 Minute / 25%

Questions or Comments:

For additional questions, please contact our team using our